
Video Visits

Walk-in Dermatology > Video Visits

Walk-in Dermatology offers Video Visits as an alternative to in-person office visits. This is part of our continuing commitment to provide convenient care to our patients.

A Video Visit is similar to an office visit, only instead of traveling to see your dermatologist you can video conference with them from your home. Our board-certified dermatologists can examine your skin, make recommendations and even send prescriptions to your pharmacy.

Medical Director Dr. Stacey Brisman discusses Walk-in Dermatology’s Video Visits

Walk-in Dermatology is here for you and your loved ones

Walk-in Dermatology is on the forefront of providing convenient care to patients. Our dermatologists can address many skin issues using the Walk-in Dermatology Video Visit app, which is free to use and takes only a minute to install on your computer, mobile device or tablet. We can examine your skin from the comfort and safety of your home, make recommendations and even send prescriptions to your pharmacy.

Apple Store | Spruce Health | Walk-in Dermatology App
Google Play Store | Spruce Health | Walk-in Dermatology App
Desktop Version | Spruce Health | Walk-in Dermatology App

What is a Video Visit?

A Video Visit is similar to an office visit, only instead of traveling to see your dermatologist you can video conference with them from your home. We can examine your skin from the comfort and safety of your home, make recommendations and even send prescriptions to your pharmacy.

How can I schedule a Video Visit?

Scheduling your Video Visit is as easy as scheduling an appointment with us as you would ordinarily do. You can call to schedule at (516) 621-1982 or you can schedule by clicking this link.

What if I don’t have health insurance?

You can still see our dermatologists for a Video Visit, even if you don’t have health insurance. You will only be responsible for a total payment of $75.

How does a Video Visit work?

Video Visits take place using the Walk-in Dermatology Video Visit app, which is provided free by Spruce Health. You can use a computer, mobile phone or a tablet to conduct your Video Visit with us. If you need technical assistance with downloading or using your Video Visit app, please call us at (516) 200-3545 or email team@walkindermatology.com We will respond to any inquiries promptly.

How can I get help with my Walk-in Dermatology Video Visit app?

If you need technical assistance with downloading or using your Video Visit app, please call us at (516) 200-3545 or email team@walkindermatology.com. We will respond to any inquiries promptly.

What types of appointments can I schedule as a Video Visit?

In a Video Visit we can address acne, rosacea, rashes, suspicious spots, eczema, psoriasis and some skin infections. Our dermatologists can also recommend a personalized skin care regimen to help you look and feel your best. Appointments that require physical examinations such as full body skin exams, skin biopsies or other procedures still require an office visit and at the time of your Video Visit, your dermatologist will make an assessment as to whether an in-person office visit is needed.

Will my insurance plan cover a Video Visit?

Most insurance plans cover Video Visits, also known as “telehealth” or “telemedicine” visits. However, it’s important for you to check with your insurance carrier to confirm that you are covered for these benefits. Note that if your claim is denied by your insurance carrier, you will only be responsible for a maximum payment of $75, which includes the cost of any copayments you may have made prior to your visit.

Can I schedule a Video Visit for a child?

Yes. Video Visits are available for children 2 years of age and up, so long as they are accompanied on their Video Visit by a parent or legal guardian. Young adults 18 years of age and older can conduct a Video Visit without a parent or legal guardian present at the time of their Video Visit.

What if I need an appointment and I want to see a dermatologist in person?

We are taking every precaution to keep our patients safe. We will be seeing patients in person on a limited basis depending on the outcome of your Video Visit. Expect that if you do see us in person that prior to your visit you will be asked some screening questions. You will also be asked to sanitize your hands at the entranceway of our office and you will be asked to put on a protective mask, which you are welcome to keep after your visit.