NASSAU COUNTY, NEW YORK [June 15, 2020] – People who’ve been self-isolating for months during the COVID-19 pandemic are now determined to get outside, understandably so. Summer has finally arrived. But after being cooped up indoors for so long, there’s a very real risk that a lot of people are going to overdo it when they get outdoors. Spending too much time in the summer sun can lead to painful sunburn, getting too close to the wrong plants can cause a major rash, the bugs and bees are busier than ever – and prolonged exposure to UV rays can bring on even bigger problems.
Maybe the desire to explore beyond the four walls of the house leads to taking the dog for a long walk in the woods. People who’ve experienced the pain and itch of poison ivy and other toxic plants quickly learn to recognize the leaves and steer clear. But you can still get a vicious rash just by petting your dog if his fur comes in contact with urushiol oil, the toxin in poison ivy, poison oak and sumac.
As much as 85 percent of the population will develop an allergic reaction to one or more of these toxic plants, and sensitivity generally gets worse with each exposure.
Allergic reactions to bug bites are also a common consequence of spending more time outdoors in the summer, when stinging insects are most active.
Then there’s skin cancer, which is the most common cancer in the United States. An estimated 9,500 Americans are diagnosed with skin cancer every day. Research estimates that non-melanoma skin cancer, including basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, affects more than 3 million Americans a year. The main cause? Overexposure to the sun.
If you’re going to be outdoors for any length of time, at a minimum you should apply a sunblock rated SPF 30 or higher. If you notice anything unusual on your skin, seeing a dermatologist is your best bet for effective treatment.
As with any type of cancer, skin cancer can be deadly. But it need not be. Studies show consistently that the five-year survival rate for patients whose melanoma is detected early is about 99 percent.
The key to this survival rate is getting seen promptly by a dermatologist who can make the diagnosis and start treatment. Even if you’re suffering from a lesser skin problem, such as an allergic reaction, your primary care physician may not be able to identify the source or the best options for treatment.
Because of the shortage of board-certified dermatologists in the United States, people who need skin care might have to wait weeks or even months for an appointment, especially if they have to jump through the hoop of getting a doctor’s referral, finding a nearby dermatologist and waiting for an appointment.
COVID-19 has triggered a rapid increase in the use of telehealth. Not just because it’s convenient, but because it works. About 11 percent of US consumers used telehealth last year for their medical care. Through the first half of 2020 that rate spiked to 46 percent of consumers who are now using telehealth as a substitute for in-office medical visits.
Whether you develop a painful sunburn this summer, a rash, or you notice troubling spots on your skin, an online dermatology visit provides the care you need right away.
There are at least three main benefits of online dermatology:
The good news is you don’t have to look far for high-quality online dermatology services. Many traditional dermatology practices have adopted telehealth as part of their patient care strategy. The pandemic may have been the catalyst behind the boom in online dermatology, but patients are making sure teledermatology is here to stay.
Across the spectrum of healthcare, patients and their physicians are reporting high demand and high satisfaction rates using telehealth apps. Dermatology, given it’s visual nature, is a natural fit for telehealth. This will have meaningful and ongoing benefits for patients looking to enjoy their summer outdoors.
The good news is you don’t have to look far for excellent online dermatology services – and now there’s minimal waiting.
In many parts of New York and throughout the country, patients often have to wait weeks before they can see a board-certified dermatologist. That’s no longer necessary.
At Walk-in Dermatology, patients can see a board-certified dermatologist quickly – either in-person or by Video Visit.
Imagine: No more waiting. Walk-in Dermatology is open and ready to serve you. Schedule an appointment today by calling us at (516) 621-1982.